The Story

We are celebrating two hilarious Jewish women in their mid-40s with talented friends who are a multitude of racial, gender, and ethnic identities. We're showcasing POC directors, producers, performers, and LGBTQIA talent without identity being a conflict - it's just who we are. And we're all funny.

Corri and Sara are best friends. Sure, they're part of the Chicago theater storefront scene, a few bands, and some tv shows, but they want...well, fame. Cause not being famous is dumb, and they're not getting any younger. Here they are on their YouTube series called "Get In the Car" that features the two of them telling stories in their love language: banter. 


One day, while lamenting the whole not-famous thing, they grabbed Kyle Hamman (KBH Media) and said, "Let's make a pilot." Kyle said yes. Then they said, "We'll film part of it on the set of Matt Miller's Beta Males!" Then Matt said yes. It got weird. Here's a bit of that.


They loved the pilot and loved the weird, but they realized it wasn't the story they wanted to tell. What they wanted was to show their home city and the people in it as they were - hustling, quick-witted, and incredibly kind. Plus, they had a lot of weird stories gathered up from Sara's car. Did you know Corri was a bunny whisperer? Anyway.

So they asked Ginger Seehafer, an illustrator who sketched Corri and Sara from their YouTube series, to draw bits of their new show. She ALSO said yes.

Bunny Car.jpg

They asked Lili-Anne Brown to direct an episode. She said yes, TOO. 
They asked Samantha Irby and Annie Wersching to be the voices of some cartoon boobs that Ginger will draw. You won't believe this. They said yes. Behzad Dabu even said yes to being a super swole male chest.

Then they asked T.R. Knight to be the voice of a bunny Ginger draws, and he said no.

Just kidding, he totally said yes. What a mensch!

Then, as though they have no shame (because they don't), they kept going and asked Antoine McKay to direct an episode and Jessie Fisher to direct another. Yes...and also yes.

What Corri and Sara want, even more than being famous and for everyone to keep saying yes, is to tell funny stories with the beautifully diverse talent of Chicago. They want to have fun while looking at challenges, have a cocktail while making it awkward, and have a damn solid friendship while on the rocky road to fame.

 They're hoping that you say yes, too.